How to Crochet a Magic Ring - Tutorial Five

Crocheting a magic ring can seem daunting at first. I know it took me a fair few tries to get it right but once you know step by step how to do it, it becomes really easy.

This is tutorial five of the How to Crochet Step by Step mini series where I go through all the basics to get you to the stage where you can try one of my free crochet patterns.

When Would You Need to Use Magic Ring?

You will probably want to make a magic ring if you are starting a crochet project that is worked in the round like a bowl, a toy or a hat.

The reason why you would want a magic ring is because it allows you to create a round starting point with a very small hole in the centre that you can tighten up to be almost invisible. Like the example below.

A birds eye view of a one round of crochet made with a magic ring. It is made in yellow yarn, has 6 stitches & there is a silver paper clip marking the last stitch. The working loop is attached to a grey crochet hook. The surface is light grey.

Magic Ring v Chain and Join

The other option for starting a project in the round is to use the chain and join technique. This is literally chaining a set number of stitches and joining the two ends to make a ring.

By using this method, you are left with a circle of stitches with a large gap in the centre that you cannot pull tight to close. So your project will always have this gap which, if you are making amigurumi toys or something else with stuffing, the stuffing will likely come out through this gap.

I also think that crochet projects made with a magic ring appear more professional and gives you a product of a higher standard. So learning how to crochet a magic circle really is worth the time and effort.

The Video Tutorial

In this quick video tutorial for how to make a magic circle, I show you how to make one the easy way so that you can get it right every time. Scroll down to the written information if you prefer to read through instructions.

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The Written Instructions

  1. Start by holding the end of the yarn in your least dominant hand and the working yarn in your dominant hand.

  2. Using the hand that holds the working yarn, wrap the yarn around the tops of your fingers of your other hand, back underneath, making sure the yarn crosses over on the inside of your hand and over the top again, so that you have two strand across the tops of your fingers. Hold onto the working yarn with your little finger so it doesn’t move.

  3. Take your crochet hook and place it underneath the first strand from your fingertips and hook onto the second strand. Pull the second strand under the first and this creates your first loop on the hook. Hold onto the loop and remove your fingers from the circle.

  4. Secure the loop to the circle by yarning over and pulling through. Now you can start working your first lot of stitches into the circle.

  5. To make your first double crochet (U.S. single crochet) stitch, put your hook into the centre and under the two strands of the circle, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through both loops on the hook.

  6. Continue making your beginning stitches into the circle, making sure to work over both strands of yarn.

  7. When you’ve reached the number of stitches needed, make a slip stitch into the first stitch to join the two ends.

  8. This is where the magic happens, pull the end of the yarn until the gap in the centre closes completely. You may need to pull the end in various directions before it closes fully.

  9. That’s it! You’re now ready to work your next row around these first set of stitches.

Make sure you get a notification about the next tutorial by subscribing to my YouTube channel.

More Beginner Tutorials

Tina Rinaudo

Tina is a passionate zero waster and crocheter who aims to live and crochet as sustainably as possible. She has been crocheting since 2016 and specialises in using sustainable yarns to design zero waste crochet patterns to make easy swaps for yourselves and your homes. She has been featured in Happily Hooked Magazine, and many other websites for her eco friendly crochet patterns.


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